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Check out the new U.K. book edition of Lemonade Mouth!

Lemonade Mouth by Mark Peter Hughes British/UK edition book

Lemonade Mouth by Mark Peter Hughes: British/UK edition book

Leading up to the huge Sept. 16 premiere of the movie on the Disney Channel U.K. and Ireland, the original book, Lemonade Mouth by Mark Peter Hughes, is about to be made available in that part of the world (released August 4 — and available for pre-order right now!). We likes! Check out the cool new cover! 🙂

300,000 unique visitors since March! Thank you! hits 300,000 unique visitors!

We are about to reach 300,000 unique visitors since March!

Thanks, true LM fans, for keeping us as the #1 Lemonade Mouth source since 2007!!

Stay tuned! More big LM news is on the way…!

Q & A: Stories from the author of “Lemonade Mouth,” Mark Peter Hughes

Blake Michael holds up the book Lemonade Mouth

Q: What’s a fun fact from writing the book or naming it?

A: Not many know this, but Wendel is the name of my dog. Stella is the middle name of my nine-year-old daughter. Mel’s is based on a real drink. I grew up in Rhode Island where Del’s Lemonade is a big, big deal.

Q: What can readers expect from the sequel?

A: The second Lemonade Mouth book, Lemonade Mouth Puckers Up, fills in the gap between…

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Lemonade Mouth’s Adam Hicks & Chris Brochu: “We Burnin’ Up”

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