Lemonade Mouth Puckers Up out in paperback
Lemonade Mouth Puckers Up out in paperback today. Tell your friends… 🙂
Join the revolution . . .
“And I was reminded once again how a song really can change the world.”
– Mark Peter Hughes, Lemonade Mouth
Every day is a crossroads…
“Every day is a crossroads. We make choices, we move forward, we leave things behind. Believe in yourself and you will always choose a right path.” -Lemonade Mouth
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from everyone at LemonadeMouth.com!
Tis the season!

Lemonade Mouth cast with LM author Mark Peter Hughes and Penelope the original LM car
What do YOU want to see happen in Lemonade Mouth 2 ? Let us know!!

Lemonade Mouth Cast with LM creator Mark Peter Hughes
Want to let writer Mark Peter Hughes know what you want to happen in the Lemonade Mouth 2 movie? You can do it by following and then tweeting us at @Lemonade_Mouth, or by ‘liking’ us on FaceBook by clicking here and commenting! Mark will read your comments and tweets! (Don’t be selfish…Only one message per person please!)
Lemonade Mouth, the making of…
Check out this all-new never before seen fun footage!